Town Departments

Looking for contact information for all our town departments? You’ve come to the right place. Departments include Animal Control, the Game Warden, Highway/Public Works, Boards and Commissions, Emergencies, Finance, Health, Town Clerks Office, and Zoning.

Animal Control

Doug Dix is the interim Animal Control Officer for the Town of Whitingham. Any domestic animal issues can be handled by calling (802) 368-2725 or (802) 272-9520.

Contact Person: Doug Dix
Phone: (802) 368-2725 home (link sends e-mail)

Mailing Address:
Animal Control Officer
PO Box 529
Jacksonville, VT 05342

Animal Control

Assessors Office (formerly known as Listers)

The Assessors Office is responsible for appraising property values for the purpose of property tax assessment. 

Contact Person: Howard Dix, Clerk 

Phone: (802) 368-2838

Email: (link sends e-mail)

Hours: by appointment

Mailing Address:  PO Box 529, Jacksonville, VT  05342

Physical Address: 2948 VT Route 100, Jacksonville, VT  05342


Cemetery Commission

Cemetery Commissioners are responsible for the care and management of our Town cemeteries.

Commission members are Bradford Lackey, Chair; and Joseph Saladino, Clerk; and Madeline Klein.

Contact Person: Town Clerk
Phone: (802) 368-7887


Mailing Address:
Cemetery Commission
PO Box 529
Jacksonville, VT 05342


Collector of Taxes

The town Treasurer is the collector of current and delinquent taxes and can be reached at (802) 368-7887.

Tax bills are mailed ONLY once in the month of August for the tax year and are due on or before November 1st.  If November 1st falls on a Sunday the taxes are due on the following Monday. 

If you purchase a property after the tax bills are mailed, you will not receive a new bill in your name until the following tax year mailing.  Your attorney should have made you aware of this and all outstanding taxes due are your responsibility.  Contact the Town Clerk's office if you need a copy of the bill at (802) 368-7887.

Economic Development Group

The WEDG Whitingham Economic Development Group was put on hold during the pandemic. If you are interested in reviving the group please contact Gig at (802) 368-7500 or (link sends e-mail).

Contact Person: Gig Zboray
Phone: (802) 368-7500 (link sends e-mail)

River Street Jacksonville Vermont

Emergency Management / Hazard Mitigation

The Emergency Management Director is responsible for the organization and administration of local emergency management and works closely with the Vermont Department of Public Safety (link is external).  If you would like to receive Vermont Alerts click here (link is external) to sign up.

Town of Whitingham Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Contact Person:  Gig Zboray, Emergency Management Director

Phone: (802) 368-7500 (link sends e-mail)




Financial Operations

Marylee Putnam, Treasurer, can be reached at (802) 368-7887.
Contact Person: 
Marylee Putnam
Phone: (802) 368-7543
Mailing Address: 
PO Box 529
Jacksonville, VT 05342
Physical Location
2948 VT Route 100
05342 Jacksonville, VT

historic Village of Jacksonville Vermont

Fire Department

In case of emergency always dial 911.

For non-emergency calls the Fire Department phone number is (802) 368-2900.

Chief, Stanley Janovsky (802) 368-7184;
Assistant Chief, Michael Stevens (802) 368-7229;
Captains, David R. Briggs (802) 368-2743 and Dennis Pike (802) 380-6192;
Lieutenants Sheldon Dix (802) 368-2698, Marshall Dix (802) 368-2781, and James Weber (802)368-2794


Fire Warden

A burn permit is required for any outdoor burning. You must contact the Town of Whitingham Fire Warden, Dennis Pike, Sr. (802) 380-6192.  If burning is allowed you can apply for a permit in the special mailbox at the end of the driveway at 1476 Fowler Road.  If the permit form is not in the mailbox you are not allowed to burn due to dangerous conditions.

Contact Person: Dennis Pike, Sr.
Phone: (802) 380-6192

Health Officer

The Town Health Officer addresses a wide variety of concerns that are tied to issues of public health. Concerns relative to septic, mold, pollution, lead paint, an unusual build-up of trash, illegal dumping of garbage are all concerns for Whitingham's Health Officer.

Contact Person: Gig Zboray
Phone: (802) 368-7500 (link sends e-mail)

Mailing Address:
PO Box 529
Jacksonville, VT  05342




While the Public Library is independent in its operation from that of the Town, its programs and services are part of the fabric of "Town Departments" in general.  They offer Wi-Fi, assistance with geneological research, and a variety of programs for the community, including "Movie Night". The phone number for the Library is (802) 368-7506.

Learn more about the Whitingham Public Library

Contact Person: Kristine Sweeter
Phone: (802) 368-7506 (link sends e-mail)

Monday 10am - 4pm
Wednesday 2pm - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 4pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm

Mailing Address:
PO Box 500
Jacksonville, VT  05342

Physical Address: 
2948 VT Route 100
Jacksonville, VT  05342

Memorial Day Committee

The Memorial Day Committee is responsible Memorial Day celebrations in the Town. Committee members are Dave Farrington (802) 368-7456, Doug LaPlante (802)368-2205, and Rick Gramlin (802)368-7844.    



The moderator runs the Annual and Special Town/School Meetings. The moderator for the Town of Whitingham is Seth Boyd (802) 368-2733.


Municipal Center

The Whitingham Municipal Center located at 2948 VT Route 100 in Jacksonville is available for rent for special occasions. The main dining hall occupancy is up to 100 people. A fully equiped kitchen is also available. The Municipal Center Use Policy is attached below as well as rental contracts.

For more information please contact the Town Clerk at (802) 368-7887.

Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Phone: (802) 368-7887
Email: (link sends e-mail)

Parks Committee (formerly known as Town Hill Committee)

The Parks Committee is responsible for the care of Town Hill Park, the Eames Village Park and the Municipal Center lot as well as flower barrels throughout town. Committee members include Aysha Peltz, Seth Boyd, Erin Lackey, Carol Millett, Lyndsay Bushey-Hesselbach, and Elizabeth Weber. Contact Seth Boyd with any questions or concerns for the committee at (802) 368-2733.

Park etiquette:

  • First come - first serve. Larger events please notify the Parks Committee of your intent in order to avoid conflicts with space
  • Remove and properly dispose of all trash
  • Keep noise to a minimum, be respectful of the neighbors
  • Parks use during daylight hours only
  • Parks are open to everyone, please plan on sharing the facility and be courteous to others
  • Use designated parking areas
  • No overnight parking or unattended vehicles
  • Use park amenities for their intended purpose
  • Pets must be leashed
  • Clean up after your pet

Town Hill - a great place for sunsets

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is responsible for creating a master plan and Zoning Regulations for the Town of Whitingham. The Chair of the Commission is Bradford Lackey; other members include Peter Barus, Keith Thompson, Joe Saladino, and Bryan Krastins. To contact the Planning Commission please call the Town Clerk at (802) 368-7887 Mailing Address: Planning Commission PO Box 529 Jacksonville, VT 05342

Main Street Jacksonville Vermont

Public Works - Highway Department

The Highway Department addresses all roadway related concerns and is overseen by Stanley Janovsky, Jr., Road Commissioner. Its able crew includes: Tim Bernard, Mike Boyd, Dennis Pike and Joshua Lemaire. Pete Bernard, Municipal Employee, has the responsibility of upkeep related to all town-owned buildings and grounds, also provides assistance to the Highway Crew, as needed.

Contact Person: Stanley Janovsky, Jr.

Phone: (802) 368-2466
FAX: (802) 368-2744 (link sends e-mail)

Mailing Address: 
Stanley Janovsky, Jr.
Whitingham Highway Department
PO Box 198
Jacksonville, VT 05342

Physical Location: 
Highway Garage
4189 VT Route 100 
Whitingham,  VT 05361

Floyd Reed Car


The Whitingham Selectboard provide management and oversight to the business affairs of the Town, which includes Financial Operations. They routinely approve financial documents (warrants), hear concerns of citizenry, create town ordinances, regulations and policies, and generally assist in finding appropriate direction and balance in their deliberations.

Whitingham has a 5-member board, with terms of two and three years. Current members are   Scott Reed, Chair;  James Weber, Vice Chair; Rick Gramlin; Lyman Tefft, Jr.; and Travis Wheeler. They meet every other Wednesday at 6:30 PM in the Municipal Center. 

Contact Person:  Gig Zboray, Selectboard Administrator

Phone: (802) 368-7500 (link sends e-mail)

Hours: Monday - Friday, 9am - 2pm

Mailing Address:  PO Box 529, Jacksonville, VT  05342

Physical Address:  2948 VT Route 100, ground floor, Jacksonville, VT  05342

Milk Cows not Taxpayers

Sewer Department

In the Town of Whitingham there are two sewage treatment plants which are overseen by the Selectboard.   
Contact Person: 
Gig Zboray
(802) 368-7500
Mailing Address: 
Sewer Department
PO Box 529
Jacksonville, VT 05342

Main Street Jacksonville Vermont

Town Clerk

Town Clerk:
(802) 368-7887 

Office hours are:
Monday through Friday 9am to 2pm;
Wednesday evenings 4-6pm;
1st Saturday of each month 9am to 12 noon;
or by appointment.

The Town Clerk's Office maintains Town records, such as land records, maps, minutes of meetings, etc. The  following services are also provided:

Voter registration
Tax Collection
Tax Information
Dog Licensing
Recording official documents
Issue civil marriage licenses
Notary public
Transfer Station punch cards
Green Mountain Passports
Municipal Center rentals

The Town of Whitingham’s Land Records are indexed and scanned from June 28, 1967 forward.

The online system is available by clicking: (link is external).  If you wish to view the index, there is no charge and you can sign up and choose the complimentary subscription.  If there is a record that you want to view or print, you must purchase a subscription or come to the Town Clerk’s Office.  You should log in first and be sure that the document is in the system before you pay for a subscription.

If you decide to purchase a subscription and you need help when creating an account, you can contact Cott Systems Technical Support at 800-234-2688, first prompt is 8, second prompt is 1.

Historic Photos of Village of Jacksonville and Whitingham Vermont

Transfer Station

The Transfer Station receives general supervision from Stanley Janovsky (368-2466). Its day to day operations are addressed by the Transfer Station Attendant (368-7876). Routine business questions may be answered in the Selectboard Office by Gig Zboray (368-7500).  In order to use the Transfer Station you MUST be a Whitingham resident/property owner AND have a permit which can be purchased in the Town Clerk's office.

At the Whitingham Transfer Station, we encourage residents and visitors to reduce, reuse, and recycle!  

4185 Vermont Route 100 (behind the Highway Garage)


Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

The Transfer Station is CLOSED on the following holidays: New Years Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, evening hours on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day.

Want to know how to dispose of speficic wastes?  Our A-Z Guide lists the proper way to dispose of just about everything.



Questions? Give us a call!

Transfer Station Drop-off

Tree Warden

The Tree Warden is responsible for the care of shade trees on public town lands such as parks, town common, in the town right-of-way on public streets. The Tree Warden for the Town of Whitingham is Adam Buursma (802) 368-2890.

Zoning Administrator

The Zoning Administrator is responsible for administering and enforcing the zoning code and land development regulations of the Town of Whitingham including issuing building permits.

You can reach the Zoning Administrator, Gig Zboray at (802) 368-7500, (link sends e-mail)


Vermont's building Energy Codes - the Vermont Residential Building Energy Standards (VT-RBES) and the Vermont Commercial Building Energy Standards (VT-CBES) - are minimum standards of energy efficiency that apply to all new residential and commercial construction, renovations, alterations, and repairs in Vermont.

The Energy Code Assistance Center provides toll-free assistance at 1 (855) 887-0673. Information is also available at the Department of Public Service website:

~VT-REBS: (link is external)

~ VT-CBES: (link is external)

Efficiency Vermont offers technical assistance and incentives for projects that seek to meet a level of energy efficiency above the Energy Code. Call 1 (888) 921-5990 or visit (link is external) to learn more.

Zoning Board of Adjustment

The Zoning Board of Adjustment is empowered to grant relief from the strict application of the Zoning Regulation (waivers), approve certain uses of land (special exceptions), and hear appeals of actions taken by the Zoning Administrator.

Board members include:  Marshall Dix, Troy Felisko, and Lyman Tefft, Jr.   We have two vacancies on this committee, please contact Gig at the number below if you are interested in becoming a member.

You can reach the ZBA by calling Gig at (802) 368-7500 or by email at (link sends e-mail).

Old Home Week 2026

Old Home Week 2026 is in the planning process.  

Adjunct Departments

Deerfield Valley Communication Union District (DVCUD)

The DVCUD (link is external) is a group of interested parties from many surrounding towns that have banded together to explore options to bring high-speed internet into the Deerfield Valley.  This is NOT an official Town of Whitingham department or group although Whitingham is a member.

Game Warden

Vermont Game Wardens are responsible for enforcing laws pertaining to the hunting, fishing, and trapping of wild animals. The Game Warden for the Town of Whitingham is Rich Watkin.

Contact Person: Rich Watkin
Phone: (802) 368-7302
(802) 257-7101
Email: (link sends e-mail)

Justice of the Peace

Justices of the Peace have basically five categories of responsibility:

Elections.  Justices of the Peace are members of the Board of Civil Authority (BCA).  Members of the BCA serve as election officials at town or statewide elections.  Justices are also responsible for delivering absentee ballots to voters at election time.

Tax Abatement and Appeals.  Justices of the Peace sit as members on the town Board of Abatement to determine whether a taxpayer's tax obligation should be forgiven under certain circumstances.  Justices of the Peace also serve an important role in the town's tax appeal process.  As a member of the Board of Civil Authority, justices sit to hear and decide appeals when citizens do not agree with the final decision of the assesors.

Marriages and Civil Unions.  Justices of the Peace may also solemnize marriages and may certify civil unions in Vermont.

Oaths and Notary.  Justices of the Peace may also administer oaths in all cases where an oath is required, unless the law makes a different provision.  A Justice of the Peace is a notary public ex officio and has all the acknowledgment powers of a notary public.

Magistrate.  Justices of the Peace may also serve as a magistrate when so commissioned by the Supreme Court.

You can reach a Justice of the Peace by contacting the Town Clerk at (802) 368-7887.

Windham Regional Commission

 In the absence of county government, the Windham Regional Commission (link is external) provides the essential link between local, state and federal government. They are a public entity, constituted by law and required to meet statutory obligations.

Their mission is to assist towns in Southeastern Vermont to provide effective local government and work cooperatively with them to address regional issues.

The state’s purpose in creating regional planning commissions was to:

  • Promote economic development, increasing jobs and income
  • Preserve the natural beauty of Vermont
  • Obtain and maintain efficiency in government expenditure
  • Safeguard and extend local autonomy in planning and development decisions

Whitingham has two representatives to the Windham Regional Commission.  They are Jenepher Burnell and Peter Barus. (link is external)