For a burn permit you must contact the Town of Whitingham Fire Warden, Dennis Pike, Sr. at (802) 380-5209 or via email at DennisPikeSr@gmail.com
Information on Burn Permits:
Our Fire Warden, Dennis Pike, Sr., maintains a permit station in a special mailbox at the end of his driveway at 1476 Fowler Road, Whitingham. The permit book is in the special mailbox if burning is allowed that day. If the book is not there conditions are too dangerous to allow burning.
The rules are simple:
- If the log book is out, it's OK to burn.
- Fill out your contact information and take your yellow copy
If you have the space on your property, Dennis suggests not burning your brush and maintaining a pile in an out of the way location. This can provide a nice wildlife habit and the brush will eventually rot away.

Zoning Permit application is required for extending the footprint of a dwelling, building a new structure over 120 square feet, sub-divisions, change of use, demolition, signs and fences over 4 1/2 feet tall.
A Zoning Application Extension is required for a one-time, one-year extension of time to complete the work approved under an original zoning application.
A Boundary Line Adjustment application (lot line adjustment) is required for adjusting boundaries of adjacent lots without creating an additional lot.
An Application for Access Permit is required for a new driveway and/or assigning a 911 address.

If you need a permit for your business, or for your home, you may want to access the state Permit Navigator at https://vermont.force.com/permitnavigator/s/. Using the navigator can save you on costly delays, give expert advice and help you access the resources you need.
The following information is old, but the phone number may still work.
Find your State Permit Specialists at our regional office:
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