Permits and Applications

Permits and applications are attached. If you have any questions please call the number listed below.

Animal Control
Dog licensing is an annual event.  Dogs more than six months of age may be licensed any time after January 1st of a calendar year, but must be licensed no later than April 1st of the same year in order to avoid the additional fee assessment.  If a dog reaches 6 months of age after April 1st, the owner must apply for a license within 30 days; the fee is reduced by half after October 1st.  All dogs must have a current rabies vaccination in order to become licensed.

Jacksonville Pond

If you need a permit for your business, or for your home, you may want to access the state Permit Navigator at (link is external).  Using the navigator can save you on costly delays, give expert advice and help you access the resources you need.

The following information is old, but the phone number may still work.

Find your State Permit Specialists at our regional office:

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