Help Wanted - Town Treasurer
The Town of Whitingham, an equal opportunity employer, seeks an interested individual to serve as Town Treasurer.
The Town Treasurer plays a vital role in the management of the finances of the Town of Whitingham. The position is responsible for keeping the Town’s accounts, investing money received by the Town, keeping a record of the taxes voted, and paying orders drawn on Town accounts. The Town Treasurer also holds the positions of tax collector, delinquent tax collector and sewer treasurer.
The Town Treasurer operates under the direction of the Selectboard. The Treasurer must have the ability to interact with the public with courtesy and professionalism and have the physical strength and agility sufficient to perform tasks that require the ability to exert moderate, though not constant physical effort under various conditions. The Treasurer must have the ability to interact with the Selectboard by providing verbal and/or written reports in a timely manner about incidents.
A complete job description is attached below. A letter of interest and resume should be emailed to gig@whitinghamvt.org, dropped off at the Selectboard office or mailed to:
Selectboard Office
Town of Whitingham
PO Box 529
Jacksonville, VT 05342
This is a full-time/30 hour per week position with benefits. Starting salary is $39,000-$48,000 commensurate with experience. Applicant must live within a 35-minute drive of the Whitingham Municipal Center.

Request for Proposals - Demolition and Site Stabilization
Demolition and Site Stabilization
The Town of Whitingham seeks proposals for demolition and site stabilization of 568 VT Route 112 in Jacksonville, Vermont.
This is a federally funded program administered by the State of Vermont Department of Public Safety. The property included in this Request for Proposal (RFP) has been purchased by the Town of Whitingham. The funding for this project is provided by these grants to the Town.
Contractors will provide their competitive bid to demolish and/or remove all applicable improvements, including but not limited to septic systems, water wells, buildings, foundations, private sidewalks, electrical and phone lines, pavement, parking, fuel tanks, debris, and household hazardous materials.
Contractor responsible for returning the project site to a smooth, graded, stabilized, and vegetated condition that is in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, policies, plans, and regulations.
A mandatory pre-bid site visit will take place on Thursday, February 27th at 10am on-site at 568 VT Route 112, Jacksonville. An inclement weather date for the site visit is Monday, March 3rd at 10am. If the weather is questionable, please call the Selectboard office at (802) 368-7500.
The detailed Request for Proposals is attached below.

Information for Annual Town Meeting 2024
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 (All day)
Whitingham Town Meeting will be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 4 beginning at 10am at the TVMHS Gymnasium. Polls open 10am to 7pm. Voter information attached below.
Municipal Center Offices will be CLOSED on Town Meeting Day.
Twin Valley School District Annual Meeting and Budget Information Meeting, February 25 at 6:00 p.m. at TVES library. (Links to the budget information and hard copies of the annual report will be available soon.)
Notice to Voters re: TVUU School District Meeting on March 4, 2025
Notice to Voters re: Annual Town Meeting on March 4, 2025
Voting Instructions for Annual Town Meeting on March 4, 2025
Warning for Annual Town Meeting on March 4, 2025
Warning for TVUU School District Meeting on February 25, and March 4, 2025
Annual Town Report for fiscal year end 06.30.24
Sample ballots for School and Town for 03.04.25
Request for Proposals - Improvements to Green Mountain Hall
The Town of Whitingham is seeking bids for improvements needed at Green Mountain Hall. The full Request for Proposal (RFP) is attached below.

Request for Proposals - mowing-Municipal Center & Eames Village Park
The Town of Whitingham is now accepting bids for mowing, weed whacking and any necessary spring/fall clean-up of the Jacksonville Municipal Center property and the Eames Village Park for a three-year contract period beginning Spring of 2025. All sealed bids must be submitted in writing to:
Whitingham Selectboard Office
Mowing Bid
PO Box 529
Jacksonville, VT 05342
Bids will not be accepted after 2:00pm on March 5, 2025. Bids will be opened at the regular Selectboard meeting on March 5, 2025 shortly after 6:30pm.
The winning bidder will carry at all times during the contract period, Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 naming the Town of Whitingham as additional insured is required.
A Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance is required or a signed waiver.
The Town of Whitingham has the right to reject any or all bids for any reason. Lowest bid does not automatically mean bid will be accepted. Prior performance, quality, professionalism, and ethics will be taken into consideration.

LAND RECORDS: The Town of Whitingham’s Land Records are indexed and scanned from June 28, 1967 forward.
The online system is available by clicking: https://recordhub.cottsystems.com. If you wish to view the index, there is no charge and you can sign up and choose the complimentary subscription. If there is a record that you want to view or print, you must purchase a subscription or come to the Town Clerk’s Office. You should log in first and be sure that the document is in the system before you pay for a subscription.
If you decide to purchase a subscription and you need help when creating an account, you can contact Cott Systems Technical Support at 800-234-2688, first prompt is 8, second prompt is 1.
PROPERTY RECORD CARDS: Property Record Cards can be found HERE.
TAX BILLS: 2024 Tax Bills can be found HERE
2023 Tax Bills can be found HERE
TAX MAPS: Property tax maps can be found HERE.

Recycling is now Single-Stream
Due to circumstances beyond Town control, we will be switching from dual stream recycling to single stream. Paper and containers will go into the compactor together now.

Act 133 (S.55) of 2024 required posting of Title 1, Section 314
July 1, 2024. Changes to Vermont's Open Meeting Law require that we post the attached information on how to file a complaint of breach of the Open Meeting Law. Please see the attached document for complete details. You can file your written complaint to gig@whitinghamvt.org. A model complaint form is also attached below.