WARNING for Special Town Meeting
Dated November 13, 2024
The legal voters of the Town of Whitingham, Vermont, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Whitingham Municipal Center in Jacksonville, Vermont, in the Town of Whitingham, Vermont on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 6:30pm, Eastern Time to act on the following articles:
ARTICLE 1: Shall the legal voters of the Town of Whitingham authorize the Selectboard to appoint the municipal treasurer? This authorization would remain in effect until rescinded by the majority vote of the registered voters present and voting at an annual or special town meeting, duly warned for that purpose.
ARTICLE 2: Shall the legal voters of the Town of Whitingham authorize the Selectboard to appoint the delinquent tax collector? This authorization would remain in effect until rescinded by the majority vote of the registered voters present and voting at an annual or special town meeting, duly warned for that purpose.
ARTICLE 3: To conduct any other business that may legally come before this meeting.
Dated at Whitingham, VT this 13th day of November 2024.
Town of Whitingham, By Its Selectboard:
Scott M. Reed, Chair James Weber, Vice Chair
Lyman Tefft, Jr. Travis Wheeler
(vacant) Attest: Almira Aekus, Town Clerk