Notice of Vacancy and Special Town Meeting
In accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 961(a), the Selectboard of the Town of Whitingham hereby gives notice of vacancy of two Selectboard positions and one Library Trustee position created by resignation.
The Selectboard, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 963, will hold a Special Town Meeting for election to fill these vacancies on May 7, 2019. The person elected will remain in office for the balalnce of the unexpired term. Both Selectboard terms expire in 2020. The Library Trustee term expires in 2021.
Person to contact: Additional information pertaining to this notice and its contents may be obtained by contacting Almira Aekus, Town Clerk at (802) 368-7887 during normal business hours.
Official signed Notice of Vacancy and Special Town Meeting is attached below.
Persons interested in filling the vacant positions must submit to the Town Clerk a petition signed by 1% of the registered voters of the Town of Whitingham (9 signatures) by 5:00pm on April 1, 2019.