COVID-19 Update

The Governor's State of Emergency continues.

Although the Municipal Center has not officially been opened to the public the Town Clerk's office is open.  MASKS MUST BE WORN.  Employees in other town offices are available by phone or email.

TRANSFER STATION: One car at a time is allowed, please wait at the stop sign for your turn. The attendant will help seniors who should remain in their vehicle.  Others should keep their distance from the attendant as you dispose of your waste.  Please review this document before using the Transfer Station.

DOGS: The dog license renewal deadline has been extended to September 1st, reminder letters have been mailed.  If your dog(s) are not licensed by then late fees will be assessed. 

If you need any type of assistance please let a town official know.

See full NOTICE attached below.

As a reminder - good hygiene practices is key in reducing your chances of contracting the virus in the event of exposure. We strongly encourage reviewing the guidelines available at resources below.